

2018年2月9日,英国泰晤士报(The Times)头版发表了一篇调查报告“Minister orders Oxfam to hand over files on Haiti prostitute scandal“,称英国最大的慈善机构乐施会(Oxfam)的一些高管在2010年海地地震后在当地接受有偿性服务(paid for sex)(其中包括未成年人),但在丑闻被媒体曝光后,乐施会蓄意掩盖事实。


*樂施會(Oxfam)是國際發展及救援的非政府組織,1942年由Theodore Richard Milford
法政牧師(1896年—1987年)在英國牛津成立,原名英國牛津饑荒救治委員會(Oxford Committee for Famine


调查报告称涉事的高管包括当时的乐施会全国执行总裁Roland van Hauwermeiren,在2010年海地灾后救援工作期间招嫖未成年少女。

2011年,乐施会接到匿名举报,对此事做了内部调查,开除了四名员工,包括这位Hauwermeiren。但调查并未证实招嫖涉及未成年少女,也并未在当时的调查公告中提到“性奴”(sexual exploitation)的字眼和问题。



  • 乐施会并未充分调查某不知名高管在海地招嫖12-13岁少女的问题
  • 乐施会并未重视内部员工对此事的反应和举报
  • 乐施会宽大处理了某些高管,但对涉事海地丑闻的较低职位员工严厉处罚
  • 乐施会并未严肃对待受害者受到的影响和面临的风险

泰晤士报的调查长文发表后,乐施会受托人委员会主席Caroline Thomson说:“我们现在已经了解2011年我们对海地事件的内部调查不够完善。我们应该当时就查清楚有没有涉及未成年人。“

We now know that the 2011 investigation and reporting of what happened in Haiti was flawed; more should have been done to establish whether minors were involved. — Caroline Thomson



Oxfam response to The Times story – 9 February 2018

The behaviour of some members of Oxfam staff uncovered in Haiti in 2011 was totally unacceptable, contrary to our values and the high standards we expect of our staff. As soon as we became aware of the allegations we immediately launched an internal investigation.

Our primary aim was always to root out and take action against those involved and we publicly announced, including to media, both the investigation and the action we took as a result.

Four members of staff were dismissed as a result of the investigation and three, including the country director, resigned before the end of the investigation. Allegations that underage girls may have been involved were not proven.

After the investigation, we carried out a thorough review of the case which resulted in the creation of our dedicated Safeguarding Team and a confidential ‘whistleblowing’ hotline as part of a package of measures to ensure that we do all we can to protect our staff, prevent sexual abuse and misconduct happening in the first place and improve how we handle any allegations.



通篇在辩解自己2011年做了调查,也开除了几个员工,也有人引咎辞职。调查结束后,我们还成立了特别小组,建立了举报热线blah blah blah.



