



主要的误区在于大家知道信用卡一旦被复制就有被盗刷的风险,但都忽视了现在主流的信用卡盗刷基本都是发生在网上,即线上盗刷(online skimming of credit card)。





Q&A about Magnetic Strip Card and Chip Card


1. 什么是磁条卡?


A magnetic stripe card is any type of card that contains data embedded in a strip composed of iron particles in plastic film. The front of the card contains identifying information, such as the card holder’s name and the issuing company’s name, while the magnetic stripe resides on the back.

2. 什么是芯片卡?


Chip card security is the latest standard in credit card security. This standard (called EMV®), which was developed and is managed by American Express, Discover, JCB, Mastercard, UnionPay, and Visa) includes a small microchip in the credit card that protects buyers against fraudulent transactions.


3. 哪种卡更安全?


Magnetic stripe cards simply serve as static storage devices to be read by the terminal. The terminal then performs a card swipe, PIN encryption, and signature capture function.


EMV cards are primarily designed to prevent fraudulent transactions that take place when someone physically swipes a counterfeit card at a payment terminal

Chip cards are hard to clone.



Neither is secure for online fraud, as the fraudsters only need to know the card number, expiration date and CVV to skim it. No clone of the card is needed.



信用卡安全最佳实践 Secure Your Credit Card – Best Practices

1. Activate transaction reminder (SMS) 启用消费短信提醒服务

2. Protect signature authority 在信用卡背面签名栏设置签名(签名不要太工整)

3. Change passcode regularly 定期更新密码

4. Cover/remove CVV2 Code after memorizing it  记牢信用卡背面的安全码后将其覆盖或刮去(这一点很少有人做)

5. Keep credit card in sight 保证信用卡不离开你的视线范围(谢绝商家对你的信用卡进行复印、扫描或拍照)

6. Use only in legitimate businesses 仅在正规商家使用信用卡

7. Activate security lock for online payment 开启网上支付锁或验证功能(如有疑问可咨询发卡行服务热线)

8. Buy credit card fraud insurance 购买信用卡盗刷险(如:支付宝蚂蚁保险的“银行卡安全险”,可覆盖持卡人名下所有银行卡。)

9. Reconcile bank statement monthly and bill review每月核对信用卡账单,及时发现可疑消费项目

10. Do NOT disclose expiration date and CVV in public (eg. Reading out on cell phone in public) 注意保密信用卡有效日期及安全码(如:不要在公共场合打电话时念出这些信息)

发现信用卡被盗刷后如何应对?  What to do if victimized by credit card fraud?


1. Verify dubious charges with issuing bank 与发卡行核实可疑交易

2. Check card balance on ATM nearby  (as an evidence in your favor) 在就近的自动取款机上查询信用卡账户(查询记录可作为对你有利的申诉证据)

3. Change password 更改密码

4. Freeze the card 致电发卡行冻结信用卡

5. Report to police  报警

6. Report to Security Department 向公司安全部报告

7. Change card 换卡



The “secure lock” function can be used for domestic transactions, domestic card-free transactions, overseas transactions, and overseas card-free transactions.

The card user can also set the lock period and the transaction types (including consumption, money transfer, cash withdrawal) that need to be controlled during the lock period. The limit of single transactions and single day limit of the controlled transaction type in the non-lock period can be configured too.


  • 登陆手机银行(4.0.10及以上版本),通过“信用卡—信用卡管理—安全锁设置”

    Log in to Mobile Banking (version 4.0.10 and above), via “Credit Card – Credit Card Management – Secure Lock Settings”

  • 登陆个人网上银行,通过“信用卡—卡管家—支付管理—安全锁”设置

    Log in to Personal Internet Banking and set it through “Credit Card – Card Manager – Payment Management – Secure Lock”

