标签:door access
Posted in 业界观察
安全的关键就在停电时 —— fail safe vs fail secure 的误解与迷思
我每次在工厂做安保审计(site security audit)时都会问一个问题: 如果突然停电,哪些门禁是打开的?哪些门禁是锁死的? 这个问题我问过无数遍,却从没听到过一个完全满意的回答。大多数时候…
What on earth are they – DR, RM, EM, CM, BCM…?
On the ASIS Shanghai Chapter conference ...
Here is what you can do about the Virus, for now
It seems all of a sudden the media is fu...
Security in History – June 20, 1943 The Detroit Riot
June 20, 1943 - The 1943 Detroit race ri...
Security in History: June 28, 1969 改变了历史进程的纽约石墙暴动
June 28, 1969 - New York City, US On the...