Posted in 业界观察
Warning: Stay Away from “juice jacking” – cellphone security tips
Flecher Feng, CPP, CFE, PSP, CMCE 2020年8月4日
Juice jacking is a hot term these days, especially popular in the cybersecurity circle. Though no on…
Security in History: June 28, 1969 改变了历史进程的纽约石墙暴动
June 28, 1969 - New York City, US On the...
ISACA Workshop: IT Governance, Security and Audit – From Concepts to Practice
Two-Day Workshop on 9 & 10 January 2...
Understanding 9/11: Why 9/11 Happened & How Terrorism Affects Our World Today
今天是9/11事件17周年纪念日。报名了一门相关在线课程,以作纪念。 课程名:U...