标签:online courses
Posted in 教育培训
Learning Guide for CM and BCM (1): Certification
If crisis management is part of your job, this article is for you. If you are a junior security mana…
Posted in 教育培训
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
K.T. Sima 2018年9月21日
In today’s world, AI is something that no one can just turn a deaf ear to. Especially for secu…
Posted in 教育培训
Security & Safety Challenges in a Globalized World
K.T. Sima 2018年9月4日
推荐一门在线课程:Security & Safety Challenges in a Globalized World Produced by: Universiteit Leiden via…
Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS 100)
这是一个FEMA(Federal Emergency Management Ag...
安全的关键就在停电时 —— fail safe vs fail secure 的误解与迷思
我每次在工厂做安保审计(site security audit)时都会问一个问题...