标签:online education
Posted in 教育培训
Internet of Things: How did we get here?
K.T. Sima 2018年9月30日
分享一门免费在线公开课:物联网 Instructors: Harinath Garudadri, Associate Research Scientist Ganz Chockalingam, Pri…
Posted in 教育培训
Security online learning programs
远程教育日渐成熟,如今流行的MOOC (massive online open courses)为继续学习提供了很多选择。下面列出几门我最近在学习的免费在线security专业相关课程,供大家参考。 …
Cryptography Basics: Atbash Cipher 密码学基础之“埃特巴什码”
Atbash is a monoalphabetic substitution ...
Read the 2020 World Risk Reports (17 great reports)
A summary of the 2020 world risk reports...